The zen that is written of is not the real zen.
–Bao Lo, Half-baked & Loaded
Zen that isn’t isn’t necessarily either.
–Nozen, By the Dozen
Every stick has at least one end.
–Mullah Murray, Mule Tales
Every end has at least one fork.
–John Dunne, Bridge Tolls for thee
A licked fork is reward enough. A licked finger is the cook’s gravy.
–Betty Crocked, The Doll House Cookies Cookook
–Bali Hai, Miss Fortune 8
Timeless, Lifeless & Broke.
–Hank Loose, Skank Publishing
Where speech is free, ads are cheap.
—The Periphery Center Post Date Record Telegram
Coming Soon, from Be Bop Now Here Press:
From Tinkers to Evers to Chance to Stinkers to Whenever to Probability Wave Theory…
role of the sock hop, skip, trip, & jump in the evolution of cooperation in sports science
From Nothing Appearing, to Nowhere Heading…
Pot-holed roads, rice-paper highways…
Alice’s Zafu Adventures…
Up Clementine’s Mountain….