The stew thickens. I don’t see Trump or Cruz making it, each with high negatives that are flip sides of their attractions—one a loose canon, the other too evangelical. It’s amazing how little traction Jeb has been able to get, despite so much backing. Kasich & Rubio will pick up some steam. Kasich is positioning to be the go-to compromise, an acceptabled (i.e., solid) choice. Rubio has survived his knock-down from Christie (who hasn’t), however.
Don’t tell Republicans, but a Rubio-Haley ticket would be extremely hard to beat, even more than Rubio-Gardner. We’ll see if that thought gets a kick start from today’s S. Carolina primary (2/20/16). “Winning” particular contests isn’t where the action is, besides, but getting to a majority of delegates, preferably without totally alienating supporters of one’s also-rans, whether outright or available as fall-back. In primaries, how one wins makes a difference, whether for mending sufficient fences or bringing in new support.
[Obviously, the crystal ball was a bit murky…. The rest of its revelation is in the “Year of the Fluke” pdf.]