About bod-library.org

Note that www.bod-library.org & www.bodlibrary.org are 2 DIFFERENT SITES; only this one (with hyphen) is now actively managed.  While some contents overlap, each site has materials the other doesn’t. www.bodlibrary.org holds Yours Crudely’s old blogs & posts on a wide variety of subjects hot at the time (up to 2017), far less so now. It could be called our RANT & REFLECTION REPOSITORY, with entries on no longer current events & public square issues; timeless principles & market dynamics; just play, serious jazz, crazy jazz, sports; etc

This site, www.bod-library.org (where you are now), our newly designated HISTORY ANNEX (HA), by contrast, has far more up to date historical essays, better organized archives, & entirely new areas devoted to OUTSTANDING QUESTIONS, mainly of the BIG & BURNING kind that grapple with fundamental features of existence as well as with key existential features of history & a wide variety of Special Topics, as well as Historical Periods. Topic pages follow their own organizing principles. History, time & mind, for example, takes a fresh look at core aspects of history, time, and mind usually overlooked, including scale, perspective, and dimensions, from the perspective of a non-historian running out of time & mind. The Sixties uses personal  history as a jumping off point to understand what was happening at the national & global scale, a generation-shaping period for those in the class of ’60.

The Richardson Archive [temporarily closed for re-organization] contains our window on the 1950’s, also a shaping period for many individuals & institutions. The archive features original materials relating to  events at the University of Nevada (Reno), especially 1952-1956, with a detailed summary & analysis of the events, from before the crisis entered the national consciousness to well after its incomplete (& somewhat illusory) resolution, including both parallels & differences with events in the country at large.

Although not a final resting place, Bod Library currently now holds Dr. Frank Richardson’s files relating to the case, including letters from key participants (e.g., Walter van Tilburg Clark), legal briefs, exchanges with attorneys, newspaper clippings, etc. Samples from these go up slowly–faster If we hear of an active interest (c/o bodlibrary2020@gmail.com).]

Eventually, the site, our newly designated HISTORY ANNEX (HA), should add rooms for for living history (interpreting the embodied place, artifact & presence) & the Chautauqua, that unique hybrid of literary & historical, personal & cultural material, provoking a creative conversation in & across time. On a personal front, Yours Crudely’s 25 years in the New Mexico Humanities Council’s Chautauqua catalog meant traveling the state in the hats of historical figures (mainly Basho, Aldo Leopold & Ansel Adams), bringing their words & insights to life off the page.

Near the end of my quarter century run, I offered two summing-up programs, Humor & the Humanities (Literature & Laugh Therapy) for one; the other Chautauqua tonight! a personal exploration of the forms, wove my personal experience as public speaker with descriptions of the (8!) historical Chautauqua forms I’d identified (one with Elvis). In Chautauqua, as in most live humor traditions, no two presentations are ever quite the same; like any creative conversation, they take the shape of the room–time, place & audience becoming co-conspirators. Still, sample transcripts might be found & put up, as well as the original NMHC program descriptions. 

In addition to real topics that aren’t up yet there are some unreal ones that are. As one misquoted historical figure put it, “Some people see things that aren’t there & wonder why? Others don’t see things that are there & wonder why not?”  In our case, why not is because we’ve labeled them either Private, in which case they don’t show at all, or Password Protected, in which case those sufficiently interested should request password information c/o bodlibrary2020@gmail.com.


www.bod-library.net, includes our Mapa Welcome Center, with site map, map room, exhibit space, and rooms for art & poetry (World, Snap, Musical).

www.eco-wing.net houses our ecological reflections (in Aldo’s Eco Zone & Seeds of Thought Archives).

www.backcountryways,xyz is dedicated to Basho & his masterpiece, oku-no-hosomichi, our newest  translation rendered as Backcountry Ways–& Beyond, where the Beyond includes our Trail Companion Guide to passages; discussion of key terms, concepts & methods; chapters on language, the joys of translation, “inner aspects” of artist & work, & “further matters.”

www.basho-wing.xyz, in progress, will feature other aspects of Basho’s work–in hokku & renga, for example, with easy guide to hokku making…

www.bodlibrary.xyz holds our game & market modeling wing, with discussions on game theory, market dynamics, adventures in understanding, & a master class for students & teachers of writing, thinking, & relating skills.


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