This month, India 37 held a mini-reunion in Columbia, Missouri, site of our first training. Thanks to voice & other health issues, I was not able to be there, but have just listened to an interview done with some of those who were, for a radio program called “Thinking Out Loud,” shared by RPCVF Don Grey. I have two main responses.
First, how little I remember of so much, there are places where we had to be in different counties, or countries. Since this was in the Sixties, it follows, I remember so little, I must’ve been there! (I don’t know about the rest of you.) This could be added to the “Usually Ignored Laws of History,” as: If you remember the events, you weren’t there; if you can’t, you may have been. Kidding aside, the law here may be more like,
~~~~~~People see different things, often at the same time.
Sometimes, one person’s memories trigger another’s, whether from a similar or different perspective, or “point of view, or angle of looking. Thus, the value of different accounts. In that spirit, then, here are some of my reflections on what happened back in Columbia, MO, starting the end of August 1966….
PC-India 37-a personal account [click to open]

[left] Clinic scenes, near Scott’s Bungalow,
Srirangapatna, Mysore State, S. India

[right] Part of the Scott’s Bungalow gang, with friends….
[below] back from Bangalore,
boy in his basket, Priest’s Hole,
by the Kauvery River….
[below] Marge + daughter