Religious Liberty (Common Sense #2)

Religious Liberty–or death (Common Sense #2).

You’re free to your own opinions–BUT NOT TO YOUR OWN [choose one]:


~~~forts & armadillos;
~~~armed forces & art museums;
~~~commandos & conscience courts;
~~~tanks & torpedoes;
~~~state security & surveillance agencies;

When some say, “People are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts,” others say, “Well, that’s your opinion. I don’t agree.” Which is telling it the way it is? As every freshman learns at Hogwash Academy, in the real world (i.e., the classroom), it depends.

Your right to sacrifice virgins stops where my purely beating heart begins, for example. Your right to burn, rape & pillage on behalf of Cosmosis the Almighty, Destroyer of Worlds, stops where such actions are in violation of civil & criminal codes, local municipal ordinances, and non-sectarian moral commandments. Along these same lines, your right to believe whatever you want (& practice accordingly) ends where my right to believe whatever I want (& practice accordingly) begins.

We are more likely to give way on freedom of beliefs, so long as those who believe differently in some respects at least keep their mouths shut & practices secret. Otherwise, it’s “Stranger, stay out of my face.” Speech itself is a form of action, although less so where all talk, no walk. Practice is where the rubber meets the road, however, and all but the extreme Satanists recognize some limits to complete freedom, particularly where other people’s rights & lives are involved.

These limits simply recognize that a person’s rights do not include the right to infringe, violate or take away the rights of others–except, of course, for a good, sound & compelling reason, e.g., protection of others. A reason might be good, but not compelling. A compelling reason is not the same as an obsessive-compulsive one whispered in one’s ear by the Lord of Delusion or one’s invisible puppet master. Prohibition might seem like a good idea with rowdy drunks around, and even compelling out on the highway. It may not be sufficiently sound, however, as historical experience has rather soundly established.

When a particular means causes more serious problems than it solves, its soundness may be questioned, in other words. That’s certainly the case with those who would establish their religious views on others, especially as part of public policy & embedded in the legal system at large. The cost of having one’s own religious freedom is recognizing that others have the same. It doesn’t take much attention to recognize the simple fact that many others have quite different views from one’s own. However ignorant that may seem to make them, this is simply the reality. Recognize it.

Nor does it take much awareness to notice how commonly people kill each other (often in large numbers) over which set of beliefs shall be not just dominant, but exclusive, &, even more commonly over which faction of interpreters shall have sole authority & power of enforcement over any given geography & its population. Tribalism, nationalism,  imperialism & colonialism can all feed into the same sinkhole, where the only way to protect oneself & one’s own is to fight against all others.

One way out of this morass is to redefine the public space as separate from the private, leaving room in the private realm for people to believe & practice without interference–to them by others, or by them to others–within the limits that are defined by a consensus of reason, the non-sectarian commandments by which a successful community operates.

A pluralistic society removes the need to dominate others to preserve one’s own freedom. One need only respect the freedom others also have. That’s the cost, and, presto, like magic, a huge area of potential conflict is eliminated, eliminating incalculable social & community costs in the process, while further empowering the community at large by the range of people cooperating in those areas properly in the public square–trade, business,  economy, administration, highway engineering, military, even government service itself.

It really doesn’t matter what your religious views are for most of one’s public work, what your church & scripture say, or even your political party, so long as you can do your job. That applies to the person making a road, a county clerk, a private enterprise employee, or even spiritual leader. Whatever it is, your job is not to impose your views on others, but to perform your tasks, as defined within the law & conscience.

In the case of a conflict between these last two, if conscience prevents someone from performing in accordance with the job description as legally defined, that person should  presumably resign. There’s nothing dishonorable in that, whereas it is dishonorable for a public servant to refuse refuse to serve members of the public who hold different views, and to serve them equally, which is presumably the basis for the Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding same-gender unions.

It simply doesn’t matter what anyone’s views on the sacrament of marriage is, means, or should represent. By recognizing something as sacramental, we explicitly represent it as having religious significance–therefore, not the business of the state to determine among competing views. The partnership of marriage may have deep sacramental meaning, but equally deep meaning to agnostics, or pagans, or followers of other traditions. That’s not the marriage that the state license!

The term marriage has widely accepted & used secular meaning as well, however, and serves many functions in the legal system, as well as in the management of families, property, etc. This is the marriage–& the only marriage–that the state has an entirely legitimate stake in regal;eating, licensing, recording. What you do in or out of churchy, like what partners do (or don’t do) in & out of bedrooms, is not a county clerk’s business.

It’s a strange confusion to think otherwise, brought on perhaps by an inability to distinguish the multiple levels of meaning a word like “marriage” can have, both religious & secular seemingly wrapped up together. That was why some felt a distinction should be made, using “marriage” for the sacramental & “civil union” for the secular, but that solution didn’t fly. Some though it smacked of a second class marriage, but the real reason was that the single word already had the wide spectrum in deeply & widely established usage. Fighting usage can be harder than fighting city hall.

The genius of a system like ours is that it preserves the freedom to mean “different things to different people,” without having to fight over it. How? By leaving what’s private (e.g., sex & religion) to the people involved. I don’t need to know whether your partnership is celibate or erotic, for example, let alone what your religion says about marriage. The public space marriage isn’t about such things at all.

In fact, it’s specifically NOT about such things. As soon as religious convictions are expressed, for example, you’re talking about something else! The fact that it is something else doesn’t make it less important. (The same may be said about sexuality, or lack thereof.) It’s not what the state licenses, although the confusion may be encouraged by the fact that states recognize for civil purposes the marriages affirmed by religious practitioners & organizations, though they do so equally under the law.

 It is striking, on must admit, how few people seem to grasp the difference between the private sphere & the public, let alone the fundamental reason for the separation church & state, protecting the religious of all persuasions equally, as well as everyone else. Nor is the confusion always to assume that the law should reflect what your church says. There’s more on the other side, too, where a person’s religious rights may be violated for being unwilling to participate in a private ceremony. No one would force a clergy person to officiate at a sacrament that person considered heretical. Why would you force a photographer to photograph it?

The Colorado cake-maker who didn’t want to make a cake for a same-gender gay couple’s event cuts a thin slice of the issue. Courts ruled, I think, that being in a public business, he could not discriminate against clients–whether on religious or gender grounds. And certainly that should be the standard for customers buying displayed items. It’s an entirely different matter where custom made work may (or may not) be contracted for an event or occasion.

A cake-maker (like the photographer) ought to have some considerable range of freedom in accepting a custom contract with any customer, for a wide range of reasons–price; time; other commitments; aesthetic, ethical or religious sensibilities. In this case, there may be no single line separating off-the-shelf from custom contract. If it’s a matter of adding names & a toy couple as standard fare, he should deliver equally. If it’s entering the spirit of a bonding ceremony he can’t in good conscience do, hey, there are plenty of other cake-merchants without trying to make a federal case of it, as if to rub the poor fellow’s face in it, then that’s an abuse of the state.

The LOGOS (Inner Logic) of Sports Logos (#3)

The LOGOS (Inner Logic) of Sports Logos

The logo is a quirky beast
some love the most, some think the least.
No matter whether west or east,
bring the heart to cap the feast….

In the news recently, the Washington Redskins are reaching out to Native Americans, today the Navaho & Zuni. The team’s providing free tickets & a tailgate party for the Zuni, and sponsoring an arts project for the Navaho. News footage shows Native Americans calling the Redskins “our team.”

Whether successfully or not, they are trying to tap the potential for native identification, if only to buffer the attack son their logo from those who consider the name & logo offensive. There ought to be some potential for doing so—just imagine who you would root for if you were Native American, especially against the Cowboys. Clearly, team management wants to turn around what’s been a strong surge in public opinion against the Redskin name—with political pressure brought to bear through the government’s attempt to revoke the Redskin’s trademark.

With some embarrassment, I admit having initially gone along with the public sentiment against the logo, assuming that the slang reference was offensive in itself. The term “redskin” does have some strongly negative associations from various examples of derogatory use. Think cavalry officers, wagon train members & settlers on the frontier, along with the films portraying frontier life.

But is there anything inherently negative in the term itself? Okay, that’s a trick question, at least too tricky for any clear answer. On the one hand, there’s nothing inherently negative in calling people white, pale-skinned, brown, or blacks. On the other hand, negativity is always a function of use, tonally reflecting the user’s attitude, and there’s something potentially offensive in the labeling of a group other than one’s own.

And there’s the rub, because such associations & attitudes have their own meaning in the sports context. The bonding & affection felt for a favorite team goes with the territory, whatever its called–Blue Jays, Tigers, Pirates, Giants, Red Sox, Indians…..  So does the feeling one has for rival teams–most often a kind of ‘play-hostility,” shaking one’s fist at them, yet smiling. Except where the atmosphere is corrupted by hooliganism, fierceness of the on-field competition is balanced by the sense of sportsmanship after.

I may claim to “hate the Yankees,” but it’s a happy hate, after all, with good will, with love of the game deeper in. The enmity, no matter how passionate, is an attenuated version, not the same as what people in violent conflict tend to feel, where loved ones are hurt or  threatened. The positive emotion felt for “one’s own team” seems closer, on the other hand;  although still attenuated, some of the same chemicals, like oxytocin, are involved.

Here’s an interesting twist, however. I don’t believe that the “negativity” one may feel  towards rival sports teams tends to carry over from team logos to real-life correspondents.  You can root for the Patriots to beat the Redskins (or vice versa) without carrying the sense of that rivalry over to actual historical patriots or tribes. How you feel about the Patriots probably doesn’t change how you feel about Paul Revere, Patrick Henry or George Washington. The same is not necessarily so in the other direction, however.

In the case of the Redskins or Indians, I suspect rivals transfer little if any negativity toward real-world correspondences, any more than they do with Padres, Tigers, Giants, Twins, Braves, Jazz, or Warriors. I believe fans of Redskins, Indians, and Braves are much more likely, however, to transfer some of their positive association to real-world groups, including a general sense of group-kinship and group-affection (i.e., positive associations).

I learned the positive side of such identification first-hand in my boyhood as an “Indian,” wearing (& loving) that grinning logo for two years in Little League baseball. Later on, I more or less understood intellectually why others found the caricature offensive, while noting that it evoked nothing in me personally but warmth & affection, for Native Americans as well as for logo & team.

Still, there’s no denying that the grinning Indian of the logo has some characteristics in common with WWII American propaganda portrayals of maniac Japanese kamikaze pilots & Nazi caricatures of Jews. They are all caricatures, after all, grossly exaggerating generic features for dramatic or humorous effect. Out of context, they might not seem that different, yet this seeming similarity is entirely superficial.

Unlike the propaganda posters, the grinning logo is not a racist caricature. A caricature  can be positive as well as negative, evoking affectionate humor rather than fear, disgust and loathing, as show-biz portraits by any admired sketch artist may attest. Or logos. There’s a fundamental difference in how a caricature is used, in other words. Is it used to evoke loathing for “the other” or affection for “one’s own”? When it is used for “one’s own team,” it becomes too positive an identification to mean anything negative, let alone racist.

The twists keep on coming, however, because some indigenous tribe members may well feel that Indian fans, team & players don’t, in fact, have the right to appropriate the association or membership, no matter how positive it makes them feel. Who gave us the right to make ourselves “honorary Indians,” even symbolically?

The intricacies of trademark & logo law are no doubt far beyond the current scope. Judges, lawyers, linguists, and other scholars may argue the differences between Braves, Indians and Redskins, and compare these to Pirates, Padres, Mariners, & Raiders.

How about the Shtetl Rabbis, or the Long Island Jews? Presumably, it depends. Either would be considered positive with Adam Sandler singing its anthem, or significant Jewish engagement. Without actual Jewish team members, it could still be positive–or not, depending on the team attitude toward its own logo.

Let’s face it, a little humor can go a long way, even further for groups that have known serious persecution, where in-group humor is usually part of the healing. Just ask Black comics, Latino comics, women comics, fat comics, nerdy comics, as well as Jewish comics. Sometimes, you have to lighten up in order to heal. (Or in some cases, light up.)

Of course you need to feel something related to these are my totem-people to root for such a team. This core feature makes them radically different from racist use of similar iconography. The Nazis were not about to root for a team with Jewish identity, even one represented by a caricature. Similarly, no one on the American side was rooting for the Kamikaze pilots.

Responding to the negative propaganda use of a caricature feels nothing like the response to a positive use in the logo for a team. The uses (& responses) are night & day apart. There’s a world of difference, 180 degrees at least, between “those dirty Redskins” & “our noble Redskins.” Not that a logo has to be noble. Many start out neutral, developing associations of affection or rivalry from their context, like Orioles, Cardinals, or Mariners.

Many start as totemic symbols representing entities of power, like the Lions, Tigers, Bears,  & Diamondbacks, as well as Giants, Warriors, & Pirates. Other take on potentially totemic associations from use, e.g., the Banana Slugs, Ducks or Cubs. With a good spirit, you can name your team anything—from the Ferrets & Weasels, to the Prairie Chickens, Mongrels & Mishugunah Maniacs.

As long as there’s good-natured humor, your logo can go a long way. Good nature is one thing; humor is another. Put them together, you have a winning combination, or at least a more or less happy one. Just ask the Mishuganahs–but maybe not the Memphis Maggots, Kafka City Cockroaches or any prison team named Forensic Unit Rule-Ball-&-Neck-Breakers. 

All kidding aside, meaning is & isn’t just “in the eye of the beholder.” Sometimes it’s mainly in the tone of voice, intent & actual attitude of the user. Sometimes it’s a finger in the eye of the beholder. We shouldn’t rush to a negative opinion, however, where the use is emphatically positive, & deeply affectionate. On the other hand, that puts some responsibility on the users—not just to be positive unto themselves, but to share their good will with the groups from which they’ve drawn positive associations.

Maybe teams representing endangered species, like the Tigers & Panthers ought to support conservation efforts directed toward their totem species, for example. Even more important, when human groups are ostensibly represented, even just symbolically, teams like the Indians, Redskins, & Braves should be reaching out to include actual Native Americans in their fan-base. As long as they succeed in that, they ought to be able to keep their logos, & even their trademarks.

[Who the Pirates, Raiders,k Buccaneers & Mavericks reach out to is another matter.]

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Democracy, Nationhood, Empire…Diversity & Japanese Aesthetics

[The following post was triggered by a discussion thread in the EdX on-line “MOOC” Visualizing Japan, though beyond the scope of that course. The thread started with staff questions about the nature of DEMOCRACY, NATION, & EMPIRE, provoking my thoughts from the comparative histories to broader issues of “parts & wholes,” and from there to the rich, lively, and diverse Japanese aesthetic.]

What is democracy? nationhood? empire? etc.

These are extremely interesting question on many levels, one of which was illustrated by the recent vote in Scotland where the tension between two levels of potential group identity were so clearly represented. History is filled with the struggles between would-be separatists & would-be consolidators at every order of magnitude—regional versus national at one level, national versus imperial at another, for example.

Nor is there a single scale for defining levels, as the tribal sense of ‘sovereign nationhood’ felt by many Native Americans (as well as by some members of other ethnic groups) may illustrate. Levels themselves can be variously defined, e.g., as a hierarchy of authority, “Chinese eggs” (one within another), or even social strata (as commonly seen in riots, like those in Hibiya Park, Tokyo, where a mob turns against signs of authority & establishment).

Easy value judgments about such conflicts & their interpretations are often turned on their heads by subsequent history. Swept up in the immediacy of self-righteous indignation & the tactical imperatives of its collective anger, the mob can take on a life of its own, sometimes very much at odds with the longer-term interests of participants. What may start as an expression of the people’s will, exuberance, and power (shown, for example, in the destruction of police boxes) can turn the corner to destroy the community’s own infrastructure (e.g., the streetcars).

It is practically a truism that separatist coalitions (an alliance of groups that “separate themselves” from the established order & its authorities), if successful, tend to fragment, turning the separatist urge on former partners into a struggle for control or dominance. The recent developments in Egypt, from mass public expression to provisional government to elections, attempt to consolidate power, popular & military reaction, etc. provides a ready example.

The core idea of “democracy” may stem from what can be called a will to self-determination, whether by individuals (as in a constitutional democracy with personal rights specified) or groups, as when “a people” defines itself as a nation in possession of “its own territory,” or a community rises up to assert its voice. As shown in the Egyptian example, the lines separating “mob,” “sub-culture,” “faction,” “community” & “the people” easily blur into each other, particularly when the action heats up.

The “demo” in democracy refers of course to the people, but fails to specify exactly which people. As a result, all kinds of people have their own definitions, sometimes  excluding others from the category, even within an historically shared territory. Some  assume democracy means each person has an equal vote and majority rules. Others that it presumes certain constitutional protections and guaranteed personal rights. On the other hand, there are countries with quite autocratic, hierarchical systems that call themselves things like “The People’s Democratic Republic of Such-&-such.”

When you get right down to it, most “people” may have quite limited influence–or even assurance of protection–even in the most democratic of democracies. As for guarantees of “life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness,” well, just ask those young Americans drafted into the Vietnam escapade, for example, how secure those rights were. Whether holding relatively open elections every few years or headed by “supreme leaders” with lifetime tenure, nations generally function “in the name of the people as a whole,” but act through representatives, agents, agencies, bureaus and departments.Ostensibly acting on behalf of “the people,” the agencies themselves are often strictly hierarchical in decision-making, command and control, as well as in how resources get distributed. Whatever the economic theories embraced, there are close correlations between those with greatest resources, status, influence, and authority. In the most extremely unequal societies, stark divisions may appear between “the people” and those ostensibly governing them on their behalf.

Those “in charge” may be composed of two classes, overlapping on rising up the hierarchy–those who decide and those who follow orders to carry decisions out.  “The people” tend to see these two as the same, with most (if not all) direct interactions involving those carrying out orders, implementing policies and enforcing regulations.

In good times, people may feel they have a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Other times, large segments of the people may feel completely and irreconcilably at odds with those who regulate their society. In one incident, the people may destroy police installations; in another, police may do the rioting. The people may fill the streets, blocking all other commerce; the army may be ordered to restore order. In one situation, the people demand justice from its own agencies; in another, a mob demands injustice.

All this takes place in the name of “the people,” a sense of group identity often potent, sometimes compelling, yet also loose, subject to pivots, shifts and inflammations, factions and fractures along a variety of lines and between classes. While these do not invalidate the concept of “the people,” they do remind us of the old adage, the devil’s in the details, i.e., not in the ideological packaging. A fair assessment must look past the  slogan to the substance, past the propaganda to the practice. 

Our group identities have been and remain central to our survival & well being, yet, like many tools, have double-edged blades. Their evident advantages include the potential to make wholes greater than the sum of their parts, thereby enhancing all the parts. So  people work together to protect themselves, their land, livelihoods & culture from other groups, not all of whom are friendly. We recapitulate our ability to cooperate on behalf of shared self-interests in team sports, for example, where each team assembles a variety of skills united by the end they hold in common.

Our sense of identity includes both I & we, me & us. The plural can be filled by pair-bond, family, comrades, team-mates, companions, clan-members, countrymen, fellow so-&-so’s, even all who share a language, land &/or compatible concept of civilization. As with the behavior of birds in a flock, there’s no clear separation between singular and shared identities. Thanks to mirrior-neurons, the capacity for empathy and other expressions of entanglement, even our brains & body chemistries are inter-connected.

pluralism can convey a variety of advantages to a group or society, providing the larger whole the benefit of many perspectives, approaches, skills & capacities, so long as these are sufficiently coordinated. By an interesting quirk in the nature of organic, economic & other dynamic systems, a whole tends to produce  a greater, more useful synergy the greater the diversity of its parts—up to a point, and within certain necessary conditions.

The parts have to be able to work together effectively, in other words, each in its own way, within the larger scheme of things, since differences can lead to conflict as well a cooperation. Division of labor illustrates the synergistic potential, while the destructiveness of feud, warfare and factional division may remind us of what happens when diverse elements make the whole less than the sum of its parts, all of whom may suffer and be diminished.

Group solidarity and the sense of having interests-in-common may be heightened under threat from other groups. Competition and cooperation can therefore fuel each other up multiple levels of organization, each higher level faced requiring higher level responses, as the bigger the threat, the greater the incentive to join with others to meet it. Much  conventional social history seems to be about group efforts to orient, subjugate, consolidate, or eliminate other groups from a particular territory—or, alternatively, efforts to protect one’s group & territory from the same, often in alliances with similarly motivated groups.

Being both more or less confined within their land mass and subject to invasion, island people tend towards political consolidations, whatever the nature of the internal accommodation, by federation and/or conquest. Even in large, connected land masses, however, there are pressures toward confederations of various kinds, including efforts to impose extended imperial yokes with systems of tribute, taxation, and conscription, along with cultural values and bond-affirming rites of deference and respect.

All such yokes are not created equal. Some may more than pay their way by the value they add through maintaining codes of behavior, standards of law, justice, and economic exchange, while also encouraging the shared cultural expressions which shape the sense of identity held in common, including the arts and sciences. While civil authorities regulate matters of individual rights, contracts, and other responsibilities, expanded cultural opportunities may enhance the lives of individuals and the sense of shared identity across class, clan and time.

Higher levels of organization have their costs also, as well as at times their perversions, abuses, over-extensions, and factional or ideological obsessions. Whatever the theories behind them, structures also reflect those who run them.

More fundamentally, they also obey the laws of diminishing returns with respect to investment in their own infrastructure. An initial investment in roads can have a tremendous impact on the level of economic and cultural exchange, for example, promoting a communal sense. Further investment in super-structure may produce at some point not just less gain, but actual harm, reduction in productive activity. Maintaining those at the top of all the management structures at the many branching levels of state machinery in their accustomed style can become a burdensome oppression, for example; another may be seen in the counter-intuitive gridlock that can result from crowding too many roads into an already congested space.

These are phenomena & characteristics associated with systems which combine what we might call “horizontal & vertical relationships,” the former being exchanges between individuals on more or less the same level, more or less regulated in turn by agencies  operating from a higher level. Cells in an organism differentiate according to organizing instructions & situation, where they find themselves in relation to neighbors, tissues, organs, etc.

Or, in economics, you & I may do business, each with something to exchange of value to the other, buyers &/or sellers theoretically on the same level, each free to negotiate satisfactory terms or walk away. Yet our ability to do business exists only by virtue of being facilitated by the system as a whole–government currency, roads, postal service, internet, laws against fraud, plus countless other cooperative instruments. Horizontal transactions exist within the vertical systems often just taken for granted.

The “vertical” element in this equation may itself be variously organized, e.g., by hereditary lineages, by region & scale, by constitutional compact providing some aspect or another of democratic input. There is often the “nesting” of levels or orders of magnitude, from local organization to a broader, more regional level, & from there to  the national &/or imperial. Which level best represents &/or serves the people?

Of course there’s no one answer to that question, nor are people themselves consistent in how they answer it–in different times, moods, conditions, & situations. Nevertheless, in modern history at least, the nation state has carried much weight in human affairs, as well as how people identify themselves. In most cases, the sense of national identity seems to have deeper attachment than to the greater empire–except, of course, for those nations which have also developed the imperial characteristics.       

The relative national unity Japan enjoyed presumably conveyed a level of protection the more divided territories of China and India lacked, each with vacuums colonial agencies sought to fill. The colonial powers intended to extract value, yes, generally the primary objective, but often sought to provide some benefits in return also, through expanded trade and cultural exchange. Whether trading metal tools for beaver pelts, or providing administrative, constabulary and judicial services, this “something in return” may distinguish imperial authority from the opportunistic piracy of raiders & enslavers.

History itself, it seems, is more mixed at the core than simplistic interpretations generally allow. It seems self-evident that not all the “goods” conveyed by colonial powers had true value, but equally undeniable that some people, products, and services did convey such value, whether to selected individuals or to the territories as a whole. Beyond the direct national or colonial ledger, the networks developed may give rise to higher orders of beneficial exchange—technologies, sciences, arts, ideas, ways of thinking and making.

If there are possibilities for exploitation, corruption, and pollution, there are also opportunities for learning, reason, cooperation, mutual benefit, and enlightened self-interest developing across time, even with respect to humanity as a whole. In colonized India’s case, as in the Americas, colonial fruits included democratic ideals, as represented by the idea of swaraj, self-determination.

Being so mixed, histories get complicated quickly, as societies go on wrestling with overlapping orders of authority—individuals, families, clans, tribes, mobs, regional states, companies, nations, trans-national corporations, interational compacts and alliances, biological foundations and planetary commitments. In many cases, reversals are more the rule than the exception. In Japan’s case, an over-extended imperial ambition led to degradation, suffering, even foreign occupation—which in turn led to a close 21st Century friendship.

in a Japanese context…

Japan has such a long national history, it has integrated not just its diverse territorial regions into its geography but civil wars, factional divisions and many other internal conflicts, making a single historical fabric passed along with artistic representations of people, places & events in the various times & multiple places–in many genres, materials & media, bringing multiple perspectives to any reflection.

Besides the usual variety of tragedies, comedies, & romances one might expct in any country with a rich history, Japan seems to have as rich a graphic & literary heritage as can be found anywhere in the world, with subjects ranging from lowest human failings to highest human achievements, most disciplined observation to wildest flights of fancy. It may be worth noting that the United States has developed its national identity much more recently.

From its mish-mash of countless mostly independent tribes, communities, colonies, and even warring states, the United States goes on struggling to integrate its internal divisions, feuds, battles over individual and group rights, and overlapping levels of government into the kind of whole that adds value to its parts. As it expanded westward, fueled in part by European expansionism, it took on an increasingly imperial character to native nations and to empires already there.

Whether original inhabitants are pushed out or ally in some fashion with the more powerful forces and their imposed systems of control, the land becomes part of the greater empire. What one viewpoint considers imperial conquest, another regards as nation-building, with no clear boundary between nationhood and empire. When nations are conquered and/or voluntarily submit to a higher order of authority, they may also retain a degree of quasi-national identity and/or cultural autonomy, whether by explicit treaty or by means of psycho-social undercurrent, a sense of independence from the dominant culture.

Psychological borders, like geographical ones, are never fully secure, or even clear to those who may feel different kinds of group identity even at the same time. The more burdensome the conformity, obedience, deference, tribute and/or taxation demanded seems, the greater the motive to resist, even when futile, giving rise to heroes and martyrs. There’s a paradoxical, inherent contradiction in the tension between degrees of imposed control and will to resist, or, turned around, degree of separatist activity hostile to the dominant order and will to establish demonstrable control.

It is often said that history is written by the victors, but few, if any, victories are absolute, particularly where thoughts, feelings and expression are involved. Along with the territories, nation and empire both absorb their defeated, including the blood shed into the land by victor and defeated alike. Sacrifices, on behalf of whatever groups and ideals (but at base for the land), run together to nurture the joined roots across generations.

The same shed blood may fester, fostering habored resentments that can flare up with opportunity and/or provocation, as well as nurture a shared national sense of belonging to the one land, “where our fathers died,” as one anthem goes, made sacred partly by the sense of ancestral presence. On the one hand there is the potential for inherited feud; on the other, the potential for working together on behalf of the new whole.

One can’t separate cultural identity from its roots in the land, from which it weaves threads of folklore, myth, all manner of imagery, thought, philosophies and arts, including those of politics & government. A lot depends on the how institutions of authority are exercised & perceived.

Do they seem to constrict, constrain, demand an uncomfortable conformity, exact a burdensome taxation? Or do they encourage peace with one’s neighbors, shared prosperity, and expanded opportunities for self-expression? Does the group in charge recognize, respect & even represent its diverse elements as parts of itself, or does it offer the conquered only a  subservient, obsequious third-class assimilation (& that only by demonstrating servility, obedience & service to the superior group)?

By such inclusions & exclusions, the sense of an “us” may take shape, as both reflected & promoted by representations of all types, in all communication, in all media, whether mass or local. Where cultural identity is involved, the representations may be considered in some ways more significant than the historical events themselves. This is partly attributable to the fact that important aspects of perspective are conveyed by treatment, the point of view expressed & attitudes embodied. There may be another, larger factor, however, simply in the fact that the representations themselves are indigenous reflections, and it is these that ultimately make the physical events part of the conceptual history.

Perry & the black ships, being portrayed in distinctly Japanese representations, become part of Japanese history. The same may be said even for acts of native villainy, cruelty & oppression. Being portrayed by sensitive artists & faithful historians with no complicity, these, too, become part of the shared historical identity.

the Japanese aesthetic of parts & wholes

Despite some western misconceptions to the contrary, the deeper Japanese aesthetic reflects and celebrates a dynamic balance between wholeness and diversity, oneness and variety. One can see and experience the commitment to diversity and variety in the culinary, literary, and architectural arts, to take just three examples across a wide range of artistic specialties. Nuances of various flavors and the subtleties of diverse elements are heightened with contrasts, complimentary echoes, pivots and shifts, whether we are talking plate & palate, progression in a linked poem, or kinds of joints used in the emergence of a single structure.

In traditional joinery, 50 quite different kinds of joints may be intentionally employed, some by nature respected all the more for remaining hidden. In renga, linked poetry, the pivots & shifts from leaping stanza to stanza (& poet to poet!) keep the conversation lively, en route to an aesthetic representation of the whole. Perhaps something of the same shows up in the sequence of un-foldable screens. A similar appreciation of multiple perspectives, even with a single artist considering a single subject, can be seen in the many views of Fuji. Rashomon offers one kind of example in film, the idea of an event variously viewed and interpreted.

Kurosawa offers a different kind of film example in the variety of treatments, moods, kind of story portrayed segment to segment in Dreams, his visual renga, with its nod to Basho, the timeless 17th Century linked poetry guide whose masterpiece, oku no hosomichi, represents an astounding unity composed of a deceptively simple and lightly drawn sequence of travel sketches, which gather threads of the country’s ground, history, folklore, ecology and cultural legacy ro weave a single great pilgrimage of communion with the land and its inhabitants, then & across time, companions from all walks of life, poets from near & far.

Basho himself explores the many dimensions of cultural representation in ways & levels unmatched in world literature. Lao-tse may be more explicitly philosophical, Rumi & Whitman more overtly ecstatic, Aurobindo more mantric, and many more mythically committed to particular metaphor sets, but none are more multi-dimensional than Basho, let alone as intimately conversational.

All cross borders, the way way music does, many quite explicitly. Rumi calls himself “Christian, Jew & Muslim” (as well as Chinese & Indian). Whitman sharers “passages from India,” sings the every-self electric, and says, “look for me under your soles,” ar one with the ground, the dirt & the earth. Aurobindo & Lao-tse are the masters of wholeness, one synthesizing eastern & western ideals, the other the dynamic of yin & yang in the nature of things.

Each makes a great contribution to potential identity, who &/or what we are in our multiple relations, at the multiple levels of self & all. From a cultural perspective, each opens a window on the soil that created him—a good part of it local, but each with significantly global elements, including a debt felt in part to poets & others from afar. Basho provides the best insight into Japanese culture (as Aurobindo does for the Gita, and perhaps the poetry of Indo-Aryan worlds). He is at once the most distinctly Japanese writer & window on the world’s shared legacy of writing that crosses borders as readily as levels.

Bod Library has had a hand in two published translations of the oku-no-hosomichi so far, rendered in the anthologies (for recognition’s sake) as Narrow Road through the Backcountry. A third, rendered as Basho’s Backcountry Ways (trails within) is in progress, along with Backcountry Ways–& Beyond, a book-length, in-depth exploration of the work, its aesthetic roots & “inner elements,” including a “Trail Companion Guide” to the passages in Basho’s journey. These background materials may be accessed at as they go up. For pdf. with the fresh translation itself, email your request c/o with “Basho’s text” in subject line & a word on your interest in the body. (Include VJx & related bits of self-introduction if connected to the Visualizing Japan MOOC, for example.)

Inverse von Neumann

It is not always easy to separate truth from myth from falsehood, especially where all three walk into a bar together with a dog. This is a lesson taught by Inverse von Neumann, owner of the famous mathematician & game theorist Johnny von Neumann. Where he learned it is a matter of some speculation, perhaps Johnny himself, infamously perverse in matters of humor, as well as illegitimate father of the modern computer, & pioneer in the field of game theory.

Johnny and his dog Inverse were both very real, known to their Princeton, NJ neighbors & to colleagues at the Institute of Advanced Study. Equally real, it seems, was a fellow named Bigelow, who reports on a visit to the von Neumann house, arriving for an interview two hours late. As he entered, greeted by the professor, a large & somewhat rambunctious dog he’d met out front pushed its way in, practically between his legs, & made itself at home. On the way out, Bigelow reports the professor saying something like, “Don’t forget your dog.”

My dog? But that is not my dog…” BIgelow reports blurting back, adding something his conclusion, “and apparently it wasn’t his either.”

The story (& its 1987 published source in Regis) is retold on the urban legends rumor page, along with many other versions of the same story involving other people & places, some going far back, others more current. Most of the others are clearly told as having been jokes, however, whereas the Bigelow story is presented as a documentary report–ostensibly true, yet almost certainly missing the falseness of its own reporter’s interpretation, having entirely missed the joke!

Here is what we shared with the urban legends site: In reference to your article on “Not My Dog,” particularly the Regis account of the famous story about Bigelow’s visit to von Neumann’s house, the irony is that it’s a true story–but only as far as Bigelow’s account of his own experience, unaware of its his misinterpretation. At the end of Bigelow’s true account of the incident, in other words, he supposedly “realizes” that von Neumann “believed it was my dog,” & that “it apparently wasn’t his either.”

Can it really be that Bigelow never got the joke, nor those who have quoted his story since? It is an historical fact that Johnny was a notorious trickster. And also an historical fact that Inverse was a well loved presence in the household, around the neighborhood & at the Institute for Advanced Study (which has a statue of him, I believe). Indeed, Inverse may have had some reputation as a trickster himself, though perhaps mainly “guilty by association,” i.e., by virtue of von Neumann’s tendency to “blame it on the dog.”

Does being a true story recounting a false conclusion make it a half-true story? I’d bet von Neumann never expressly said the dog wasn’t his, more likely something like, “Don’t forget your dog,” or “the dog you came with.” Perhaps he couldn’t resist the old joke, especially for someone two hours late, though I doubt he imagined his guest would never get the joke…unless testing him. He was used to playing tricks on the best & the brightest, after all. He once drove Einstein to the train station heading to NYC for some award, but put him on the platform for the train heading west.

Peter Sellers did a twisted version of the pooch joke in a Pink Panther film, when  the Inspector asks a character with a dog by his side, “Does your dog bite?” Told, “No,” the Inspector goes to pat the dog, & gets attacked. “I thought you said your dog doesn’t bite?” he reacts indignantly. “But that is not my dog,” says the character.

The following offers a more complete account of the story, with some of its strategic implications explored. Titled “Inverse at Princeton–lessons from the von Neumann dog,” it looks at the impact of the unknown unknown in historical decision-making, in von Neumann’s time & the Cuban Missile Crisis, along with the interplay between reality, make-believe, & delusion (mistaking the make-believe for the real). [Unfortunately, the piece itself needs editing & another draft, though the main elements are there.]

Inverse at Princeton.


[At the Bod Library, we are about to open our game & market-modeling annex named in honor of Inverse von Neumann, the IvN Wing for Games, Game Theory, Strategic Applications. Market-modeling & Economic Dynamics. Check at the front desk,, for opening details & link.]



When the Indian sub-continent was partitioned into two independent nations on his birthday in 1947, the Cambridge-educated sage Sri Aurobindo indicated he’d have far preferred a gift of one country to two. Sensitive to the sectarian troubles sown, he was especially sorry as a Bengali to see East & West Bengal divided, East given to a Pakistan divided geographically as well as culturally. From the inherent stresses, he predicted pretty much to the year how long it would take for East Bengal to free itself from the unnatural grip of rule by those with their own agenda so far away.

As mandated, the original partition precipitated countless deaths in the panic of people trying to find where they belonged & conflicts over dominance. Despite brutal repression by the Pakistani occupation, the separation of Bangladesh happened right on Aurobindo’s predicted schedule, with all the extra suffering that might have been avoided. Conflicts in & over Kashmir continue, while those in & around Pakistan have provided the people of the region a quite troubled (& still troubling) history, including many military coups, dangerous partnerships, & export of nuclear weapons technology.

One must wonder about the old idea of “Divide and Conquer,” so deeply embedded in the international strategic power game, yet with such a mixed history. There are various  cases in which such an approach presumably makes good sense, encouraging adversaries to spend their hostilities on each other. Other times a potential adversary might be weakened by turning its hostile attentions to its internal factional divisions.

I suppose it might even seem like simple good sense to create two countries more or less balanced (& always potentially against each other) rather than one united baby super-power. Long before fear of institutions becoming “too big to fail,” there was a basis for fear of “too big to contain.” In the case of super-power politics, the great powers come into conflict in the same way that corporations do in the open market place, from their perceived need to expand market-share & influence. This is not always to the benefit of  neighbors or of the expansive power’s own inhabitants, who tend to be conscripted to make the sacrifices & pay the costs required, for a share of benefits that, if they happen at all, accrue mostly to others & the state machinery itself.

It might have seemed as if this expansive drive reached its explosive climax in World War II, with one world order violently challenged by another considerably darker & more brutal. Implicit in the cooperation of the grand alliance that first stopped, then toppled the Imperial Japanese & Nazi regimes was an unmade promise to end imposed colonial rule, a path to self-determination. Not that the old powers wouldn’t try to re-establish control, as the French did in Indochina & elsewhere, generally with disastrous results.

In the case of the sub-continent, the British had never lost control, however, nor was independence a foregone conclusion, let alone its form & timing. They would hold Hong Kong for more than another half century, after all. Still, it became clear that the days of the British Raj in India were numbered. As with apartheid in South Africa later, the question became not if, but when & how, especially the latter, including the cost paid for the added time, which at some point leads to increasing losses, a bleeding of the ruling power in treasure, blood, & spirit, holding on only by becoming more brutal, less humane, a terrible cost on a people, perpetrators & victims alike.

One may make the case that the British Raj granted independence in a more timely & civilized a way than either the French with its colonies or the South Africans internally. They could have fought to hold on, as they had with the breakaway United States, or with previous Indian uprisings. Faced with the tactics of non-violence, people who wanted to consider themselves relatively enlightened, guided by principles of reason & fairness, had little choice, particularly in the geo-political strategic situation after a war fought, at least in part, against such brutal use of imposed power.
One can hardly imagine the outcome of trying to hold on much longer, very likely giving the most extreme elements greater sway on all sides, while forcing many would-be moderates into a more radical agenda. From some perspectives, a war of liberation had been going on for a long, long time, with Russia & China both interested in fueling the process. Expansive ideologically & geographically, the chief argument the communists had was the idea that only communist revolution could liberate the people from the grip of a colonially  imposed capitalist exploitation. The harder the colonial power tries to hold on in such a situation, the more it tends to justify the arguments against it.

On the other hand, the British, like most empires, had its self-justification, its reasons for being, among them two over-riding “functions” they could claim to provide. One of these is the maintenance of a social order based on more or less enlightened principles of law, including public safety. The second is the opportunity for education, advancement & diverse achievement provided. One shouldn’t underestimate the importance of either service, starting with public safety.

Where a society has individuals willing to prey on other individuals, as well as factional groups otherwise fighting for control &/or survival, having a relatively fair, effective,  impartial peace-keeping authority may be considered a primary benefit of civilization. The opportunity for development, with all the virtues of culture, is another.

The history of colonial rule in India is “lenticular,” however, like a sign that reads differently according to the angle of light & looking. One can focus on the abuses & venalities for one picture, or on the higher values sometimes realized, for another.

It was no accident that the leading voices for enlightened swaraj, self-determination, were themselves beneficiaries of “western” education, with exposure to European, American & classical traditions. There are core aspects of civilization inherent in the social contract under-girding democratic societies that are threatened by aggressive suppression of indigenous speech & political participation, particularly where shared values are what’s expressed–& suppressed. Despite illusions to the contrary, it’s simply not possible to suppress such values in the population at large and maintain them for the privileged class; the hypocrisy becomes too obvious.

In the lenticular world, there’s always the question of whether reasoning ostensibly for the greater good is really just a part of the packaging, propaganda used to cover the exploitation & injustice. Does the cost-benefit analysis that counts really consider the greater good, in other words, or just look at “the good” from the more limited perspective of the colonial elite alone?

Faced with an undefeatable ideological or philosophical challenge to its imposed order, an imperial power must at some point ask, “What’s the actual alternative, and how might we best influence its future?” What’s needed is not just an abstract idea of an “ideal,” however, but clear appreciation of the likely outcomes on the ground under the different alternatives. As Twain & others have reminded us, however, prediction is inherently difficult, “particularly about the future.”

If they did not take a worse path, the British might nevertheless have still done  better than they did in the clumsy, autocratic, and poorly considered hand-over that included such an ill-considered partition. Most of the public details of the process are mostly  irrelevant to the actual bottom line, results on the ground, which in this case involved terrible factional violence, widespread panic & dislocation, horrendous atrocities on a vast scale. Never mind the excuses & rationalizations, it simply did not have to be that way.

Horrified as they may have been, some of those most responsible might have felt the resulting chaos provided some vindication to the imperial idea. “So you want your independence? You’ll see how hard it can be without the enlightened guidance of a Greater Raj to stabilize your less civilized factions.”

The imperfections of a former colonial administration may look far less damming when compared to those that follow, especially to the former colonial elite–who nevertheless may not wash their hands so easily of some responsibility for the sufferings a more enlightened hand off would have avoided. The partition itself was a terrible idea, and ought to have been recognized as such by those not contaminated with a “divide-&-conquer” mentality, whether British or those pro-partition militants who could gain such power themselves in no other way. It was a costly mistake to feed such separatist ambitions, made indescribably worse by the arrogantly blind way it was carried out.

Forty years or so earlier, in the hours before a new law would restrict their ability to do so, President Theodore Roosevelt & forester Gifford Pinchot drew lines on maps to protect newly designated national forests, without knowing much about what the lines meant on the ground. That was one thing. It was another entirely to do so dividing human worlds along religious, ethnic or ideological grounds without regard for the actual ground, thoroughly mixed & variously pluralistic.

Whatever the pressures & rationalizations, there is no excusing either the partition or how it was carried out, including its timing. Yes, there are scenarios that could have been worse. But there are also many that required only rather minimally clearer foresight to have avoided so much trouble later. This fact ought to faced, as the lessons that should have been learned don’t seem to have been, starting with the horribly foggy notion of partition–unclear in its essence, and even muddier in its execution, lines drawn on maps without much regard for the territories.

The aim is not to point blame, as if trying to settle scores long since settled, but to understand the nature of the error, starting with a clearer notion of partition itself in relation to the idea of self-determination. Let’s face it; the essential issues still seem dangerously foggy to the general public & strategic planners alike, at least partly because these issues must be seem as part of a holistic continuum across levels, where the relative balance across the spectrumis the critical factor.

To clarify, an issue like “self-determination” necessarily operates across many levels, from the individual, the family, the voluntary group, the community, the state, etc. Each of these naturally wants & appropriate deserves some measure of self-determination. If that’s a given, so is the fact that none of these are absolute. If even the federal powers are limited by rights held by individuals, states and other entities, so, too, the individual & group rights are necessarily limited by the rights of other individuals & groups, as presumable represented by the higher orders of government with the responsibility for the fair administration of rights & services on behalf of the whole.

No one can declare his own rights absolute at the expense of his neighbor’s–or perhaps may declare, but not execute. Although a varying percentage will in fact try to do so, by guile, by corruption, &/or by force, having the power to do so. It’s a fact, and so we have a sheriff, a marshal, local, state & federal agencies charged with keeping the systems sufficiently honest, just, and in balance. None of these systems are perfect, and neither are the systems created to regulate them, in need of continual re-tuning themselves, yet the balancing functions they perform are no less vital–and the health of the system as a whole is reflected in the balance between the levels.

One kind of unhealthy society makes high state power absolute at the expense of abused individuals; another does the same thing by elevating the individual & gang’s freedom to operate, without a higher, community-serving restraining force. The potential for abuse exists at every level, in other words, individual, county, state, & national agency, but so does the potential for correction & the ultimately shared responsibility for bringing these about, at least in a system based on “checks & balances.”

A driver or cyclist makes countless adjustments, corrections, re-corrections, on many levels, from tiny tweaks & shifts to major moves in response to urgent circumstances. The same process goes on in societies & larger ecologies also, wherever feedback  affects the system that continues to feed back. Where orders of magnitude are necessary & appropriate to the management of human affairs, claims on behalf of any single level to absolute authority ought to be a discrediting characteristic–whether of a self-declared Supreme Leader of a state religion or a citizen who declares himself king over all others for all time, laws be dammed, or a rogue government agency.

If there were an absolute, the two main claimants would each have an unshakeable case. The individual, for one, must at some point be considered captain of his or her own vessel, although still limited. And the “whole” also has rights it won’t have trumped by technicalities, or abstract restraints. Even its most basic restraints, designed to prevent the abuse of its members, are justifiably suspended in practice where the well being of the whole itself seems to require–as in the case of isolating an otherwise innocent individual to prevent or limit an epidemic.

The individual’s right to freedom of movement may be temporarily limited, but that does not make the government’s right to isolate individuals absolute or arbitrary. The margins between levels are themselves fractal, not absolute, in other words. The same may be said for the two essentially complementary principles of self-determination & pluralistic whole, partition & union. You can’t have one without the other; neither can be held up as absolute. If the imposed partition of the Indian sub-continent into two countries was foggy to the point of a serious breech of the last colonial responsibility, the partition of East Bengal from Pakistani domination was a step in the tight direction, a necessary correction, even though it doesn’t restore what was lost by the original partition.
The Indian partition at independence was not only foggy, but a deeply flawed concept. How do you even contemplate dividing an inherently mixed population along sectarian & geographical lines, creating one supposedly pluralistic & non-sectarian state and another in which the majority may declare & define itself along militantly sectarian lines? If that doesn’t sufficiently set the stage for incessant conflict to come, throw in the possibility of disputed borders & unresolved territories like Kashmir.      

The unnatural divisions of partition cut across so many lives and communities, and continues to cut, internally as well as along the fractiously disputed borders. A united India might have avoided most of that, with a constitution guaranteeing all its tribal & religious communities degrees of participation & self-determination within pluralistic, regional frameworks. The United States, another large & diverse pluralistic society, fought not just a war of colonial separation, but so-called Civil, Indian, & Mexican Wars to establish a unifying “pax Americana” within its current borders.

In many cases, it’s a larger unity that alone protects its parts from the conflicts they will inevitably have with each other. To some extent, that’s the fundamental principle underlying a society of laws based on rights. Control of & by a larger empire is not always the option of informed choice, however.

Something there is that resists such control from above, with its potential for insensitivity, abuse at multiple levels of administration & local oppression. Such control from above is often experienced as the more immediate existential threat than those from temporarily suppressed internal divisions or fractious competition with neighbors. The skirmishes and battles between groups like the Lakota & the Blackfeet might have been considered less dangerous to some chiefs than threats from the U. S. Cavalry.

On the other hand, the Cavalry, like every other such group, worked in a context of shifting alliances & hostilities, with native allies as well as “hostiles.” On the ground, there were in theory two ways to view what the “American” agencies represented: the larger threat by far, a common enemy all tribes might unite against, if only towards a negotiated settlement; another player in the game, potentially useful in a tribe’s other conflicts, some long-standing.

In retrospect, it seems evident how fruitless most tribal struggles against “Manifest Destiny” were bound to become. However heroic the attempts, nothing could stay that relentless tide, or break more than a few waves. Given the rise of more brutal & tyrannical empires elsewhere in the 20th Century, however, native seers might have found some value in American hegemony, after all, even if not for all parts equally.

We can’t help noting how unclear such things must seem at the time, how easy to be wrong, even dead wrong. Whether we’re talking about an advance of Roman legions, Mongol bands, Soviet tanks, Nazi blitzkrieg, Japanese invasion, or “pacification” of tribes removed to “reservations,” it’s natural to resist such domination. There are good reasons to retain one’s independence and distinctness, whether Estonian, Chechnyan, TIbetan, Lakota, Navaho, or Hopi….

Nor is it “one size fits all” when it comes to would-be “greater wholes.” Whether the aim is tribal, national or larger well-being, each situation must be considered in its particulars, as well as at different time-scales according to situation. For every larger alliance that makes eminent sense, there may be any number that don’t. In this, the judgment is related to how any contract might be regarded–the devil in the details. But not random details–rather in those which reflect essential differences in the kind of order established, not an entirely static thing.

The characteristics that ultimately make the most difference can be described, and even defined in general terms. They are not that arcane, but mostly common sense, the same characteristics most people want in the operation of their communities, economic systems & personal activities. The things people don’t want are even more obvious, from oppression, abuse, the short end of the stick, barely enough stick to survive on, corruptions by which the powerful take unfair advantage of the less so, physical abuse & repression, inconsistent standards by which other individuals & groups are consistently favored at your & your group’s expense.

No one wants to give up any more personal freedoms than necessary, or even a sense of some individual sovereignty, the ability to make choices where one’s person is involved. On the other hand, from infancy, our choices are limited by our need for others & by circumstances, as we learn to accommodate self-determination to situation & self-discovery to opportunity. Beyond the comic book world, we don’t expect to achieve big things just by snapping our fingers, wishing they were so. We are not sovereign & independent, it turns out, neither with respect to society, nor with respect to nature. We are part of larger wholes, with or without inherent “integrity.”

When big powers mess about with boundary making, as in the foggy partitions carved up in the sub-continent & so-called middle east, they can do damage to their own long-term self-interest while focusing on shorter term strategic gains. The advantages they consider may be mostly their own, inherently temporary, with little regard to the longer term. This is especially apparent where maps are carved according to unnatural divisions, sowing seeds of discord.


Given the quality of ambitiously expansive leadership in both countries, the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s might be considered a strategic advantage to the Israelis, Americans, Jordanians, & others who might otherwise have found their own interests more directly threatened. Better these two should use up each other’s will to fight on each other, so long as one didn’t emerge so victorious as to swallow the other to become part of one greater & more threatening whole.

Americans apparently sold arms to both sides, and mostly looked the other way when the worst WMD atrocities were carried out. Or perhaps not; perhaps the gassing of the Kurds went a step too far with some would-be backers, who started backing off. Then, with what must have looked like an American pass, Hussein went into Kuwait. After pushing the Iraqi army back in Operation Desert Storm, the Americans exercised more restraint than some thought appropriate, by not destroying the Republican Guard, making room for a more inclusive, less aggressive regime.

When the Shia rose up against Sadam’s domination in the south, expressly encouraged by the American president, however, the Americans then sat by while they were slaughtered, until driven by public opinion to at least establish no-fly zones. This was a costly strategic blunder. As seemed clear to me at the time, we should established–on  explicit invitation from the local Kurdish & Shia populations under threat of slaughter–a line of defense effectively containing Hussein’s Bathist forces. Americans would be present at each line for protection, by invitation of the protected, not as an invading enemy, as they’d become in the next strategic blunder in 2003, which would with a stroke of the pen destroy the fundamental structure of the Iraqi state without the ability to impose a new & more effective one, fostering an increasingly inflamed insurgency as inevitable expression of patriotism, group loyalty, & response to abuses.

Instead, back in Bush 1, we established some limits to the Bathist control with a partial “no fly zone,” deferring any real resolution on the ground. The rest of the history is all too clear from then, a clumsy & incoherent policy that ultimately served the interests of adversaries. Now, similar lines are being fought over, at the cost of much extra struggle & suffering, as the area grapples with either fragmentation or some kind of federated regional relation, each with its dominant sectarian profile….

With foresight, these lines could have been established without further bloodshed with  small protective forces put in place in 1990. Would that have eliminated all abuse or hostility against foreign troops. Tensions tend to exist with foreign troops even within the friendliest of host countries. Nevertheless, the prospects for a relatively violence-free détente looked strong, on the Korea model but with a more asymmetrical allied power, including the ability to prevent WMD development.

The level of force required to maintain a protected border against a far inferior adversary is far less than what is required to contain an insurgency with minimal indigenous support. Instead, the callous blunders of the father in encouraging uprisings he was not prepared to help were compounded by the arrogant frat-boy blunders of the son, naïve enough to gloat in staged “Mission Accomplished photo ops with no sense of what’s to come, the very model of lack of foresight.

Ukraine runnin round my brain

Ukraine running round my brain—

Woke up this morning in a whole lot of pain

All I want for breakfast is that old Ukraine.

Crawl for my honey & stand with a cane,

Ukraine running hurdles around my brain.

~~~~~~Ukraine running round my brain—

~~~~~~Ukraine running round my brain—

~~~~~~Ukraine running round my brain—

~~~~~~~~~from Black Sea ports to the Tartar plain.

Oh, mama, come here quick,

Russia’s in the Ukraine just to make me sick…

One take the east & another take the west

& we’ll see who ends up worst & best.

~~~~~~Ukraine running round my brain—

~~~~~~Ukraine running round my brain—

~~~~~~Ukraine running round my brain—

~~~~~~~~~from Black Sea ports to the Tartar plain

Here come Chairman K. & there goes crap,

from there himself, popped Crimea in the Ukraine’s lap.

Mouse in the cupboard, better set a trap,

change all the maps with a finger snap.

~~~~~~Here come your baby, dressed in red.

~~~~~~KGB gonna kill you dead…

Early one morning ‘bout half past 4,

KGB come breaking through my door…

You take Rasputin, I’ll take Mr. Pu–

can’t find much difference between the two

~~~~~~Ukraine running hurdles round my brain—

~~~~~~Ukraine running dashes round my brain—

~~~~~~Ukraine running wild round my brain—

~~~~~~~~~from Black Sea ports to the Tartar plain

~~~~~~~~~~~from “Ukraine running whirlpools down my drain,” by Mucky Waters

Mucky Waters aside, there’s plenty of water muddying & muck throwing to go around. On the one hand, arguments that ignore the historical relationships ring rather hollow, & as do claims of illegitimacy based on the fact that a constitution largely in abeyance requires acquiescence of other regions for secession. In the current context, with a defacto government following the former head’s skedaddling, legitimacy itself is a slippery concept, particularly when put against the principle of self-determination in a situation so fundamentally unstable.

On the other hand, there’s no denying the hypocrisy of the Russian muscle-flexing, however relatively judo-esque in its achievement, so far avoiding most more violent tactics. However reasonably reversible Chairman K’s shift in Crimean administrative affiliation might well be, the 1994 treaty guaranteeing Ukrainian security & the integrity of its borders (in return for giving up its nukes, etc.) seems less so, particularly without negotiations. To act either unilaterally or even just in cahoots with a regional majority on the basis of that majority’s inherent right to self-determination conjures the heights of Mount Hypocrisy itself. Russians presumably feel the self-determination of Chechens is another matter, analogous to how the Chinese feel about Tibet. A vote may take place, but only when the demographics support the required outcome.

It turns out that self-determination by majority requires certain characteristics for validity. Among these are respect for the fundamental rights of minorities & for larger geo-political agreements legitimately entered. These may indeed be changed from time to time, adjusting to conditions with or without the tremors of shifting plates, but preferably on the basis of reason & negotiation, not simply on the basis of power to do so. The right of self-determination disappears when it is used as an excuse for preventing the self-determination of others, as may be considered the case with respect to the American Confederacy.

On the other hand, the Union didn’t offer most indigenous populations much of a viable self-determination option when territories were absorbed & they were in turn geo-politically restricted. Nor did the United States forego the opportunity to re-affiliate New Mexico, Arizona & California, or hold up its annexation for the result of a vote. Not that any of these, given a free referendum, would vote now to re-affiliate with Mexico, or Mexico with Spain for that matter. Empires are inherently friable & porous, particularly in administrative organization. Cultural streams are less defined & more persistent, or to reverse the metaphor, are like vegetation with deeper roots.

A modern principle of self-determination must start with a set of individual rights, which communities are bound to protect as a fundamental basis for their own legitimacy in organization & administration. An entity, whatever its claim to legitimacy, loses that legitimacy to the extent it fails to protect the rights of all its individual constituents. Where that loss becomes egregious, some larger organizational entity constituted to encourage compliance with such rights has a responsibility to weigh in, not necessarily by military means, which must involve many further calculations. Not even the Dalai Lama wants American air power to try bombing the Chinese out of Tibet, let alone the Russians out of the Crimea.

The fact is on the ground that many territories have multiple lineages in their current populations, speaking different languages, with diverse traditions, alliances, contractual relationships, affiliations, preferences, political parties & other agencies of influence, sometimes at odds with each other &/or in various forms of competition. The Russian grab-back of the Crimea, no matter how well executed & arguably justified, deserves push-back even so, though in this case not roll-back. On the other, such push-back shouldn’t just hurt everyone “to make a point.” One point may be that the Crimea is not eastern Europe circa 1968, nor Hungary in the 1950s, nor the Baltics, nor Poland.

It is far from Russian self-interest to invigorate an eastern self-defense focus in the NATO alliance, just as it is far from general interest to feel a need to. It will go on seeming too much like the work of the old bully unless they at least give the Ukranians back some of their own fleet.

Poetry in America-Whitman

This is in response to the HarvardEdX on-line course of this title, just finishing up its Whitman module. I’ve put a short “Bod Fellow” review, mainly Best & Worst features, near the top of the Poetry page at Given the freedom to engage at one’s own pace & indulge one’s own interests, it’s not possible to go far wrong with such a course when offered free, as this has been. The worst one is likely to do is waste time, which some might say goes hand in hand with poetry to begin with. (Not Yours Crudely, of course.)

It would be mostly pointless to compare specifics with other versions more or less focused on the same content & original landscape, e.g., the course I took on the subject as a Harvard undergrad exactly 50 years ago, or the one in graduate school out west some years later, both of which catered only to those few present. Each reflected its participants (especially its professor), as well as the poetry covered & the setting (class & seminar room).

This version, by contrast, is first & foremost an experiment in fairly large-scale on-line educational transmission. Learning primarily happens from doing, & the course seems designed to encourage active reading (including listening to & appreciating), thinking, discussing, & creative expression. I am personally still responding, still doing each based on interacting with the materials, still discovering value in the various components.

Yesterday was supposedly the 25th birthday of the internet, one generation in, yet world-wide inter-active connectivity is just in its infancy, or barely adolescent, either way rapidly learning & developing. As a quite new medium, we are just imagining, discovering & adapting its repertoire of forms, which in the case of a course like this draws from two rather distinct streams, school & media, with a unique potential for relating not just these two, but  individual & mass, a mind-boggling landscape.

Evaluating each of the course-encouraged activities involves at least two comparisons then–one focused on the medium itself (as it relates to its streams), the other on potential within that medium, what might be learned & improved upon. There is no getting around the fact that a more or less guided discussion involving a dozen or two more or less similarly prepared & present parties will be a different animal from an on-line discussion thread open to thousands, yet there can advantages to each. Emerson’s squirrel may not be as grand as a mountain, but the latter may not be so good at cracking nuts.

The best general formula must include variety in its menu of approaches & content, serving the variety of learning styles, interests & development of participants, including the team conducting the experiment. There is no getting away from the fact that a discussion with a dozen or two more or less present participants is bound to be a different animal from a thread open to thousands. Somewhere in between the two, perhaps, may be presentations, performances, & lectures to a few hundred, with their own mass-media cousins.

From a director’s perspective, the two aims–presenting Whitman & encouraging participant responses–are not the same, though each may be enhanced in ways that also encourage the other…. The relationship is dynamic, not simple; though most often reinforcing each other, potentially tripping each other up. By “presenting Whitman,” I don’t mean the biographical information, but the work & life (including biography) as art, whether poems are given voice in concert format or both poems & biography are brought to life in the Chautauqua-style in which the interpreter uses direct address in exchange with the audience. A large amount of information can be transmitted within what everyone recognizes & responds to as an overtly artistic rendering.

The artistic aim & impact may be considered fundamental, first & foremost a matter of the presentation, direct experience of the music or poem, an engagement encouraging developmental response across domains (mind, feeling & body chemistry together, for example). The experience of the artistic embodiment does the first work, in other words, albeit facilitated by informed selection & guidance in approach, useful background information, & examples of the kind of response being encouraged (appreciation, critical thinking, artistic, etc.). A lecture, for example, may transmit these in conjunction with selections from the work, as may more & less guided participant discussion.

Even with its presumably secondary, facilitative & overtly educational role, there is no getting around the fact that the live lecture itself is an art-form. The same may be said for its mass-media translations, whether in print (e.g., e. e. cummings’ 6 non-lectures) or on video. Just as the live lecture can include bits of Socratic exchange, audio-visual & mimetic illustration, etc., the video version radically expands illustrative potential, whether by putting the “lecturer” on location or splitting sound & visual tracks.

This video-lecture potential is particularly well explored in the Whitman video focused on “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,” sometimes in the professor’s office, talked to across her desk, sometimes on the ferry, a field trip companion, sometimes looking at the poem on a visualized page, sometimes the words as found in metal-work on location….. Among its other virtues, variety of sensory inputs may reinforce each other &, in educational jargon, appeal to the varied learning modalities. In fact, the working together of visual, auditory, affective & cognitive functions is basic to artistic & educational experience.

[To be continued. Must run for the moment….]


Religious Freedom & the Law

An interesting topic with various branches, though the relation of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAW is currently the most prominent–seemingly right at the border where exercise of religious freedom may potentially break laws meant to protect the equal rights of others.

It shows how same-gender marriage rights could reach beyond the line where those who seek rights that supposedly take nothing away from rights held by others start to take rights from others, after all. Those who say people who don’t share their orientation are free to mind their own business, & mind their own marriages, lose that high ground if they take away the freedom others have to not participate. Presumably that’s the situation in the New Mexico case of a professional  photographer who declined to shoot a same-gender wedding on religious grounds.

I’d more or less assumed that both vendor & client would have equal freedom in choosing whether or not to enter a contractual relationship on a particular assignment, & if so, on what terms, apart from gender &/or religious issues. The idea of forcing a creative professional to take a job that violates his or her own religious convictions, or even aesthetic taste for that matter, seems quite self-contradictory, where taste is in part what’s hired. Why would you want to hire someone for an event whose spirit they did not appreciate? I’d have though a discriminating prospective client would appreciate the respect shown in declining the job on honest grounds, where many false reasons might have been marshaled.

In this case, hiring wedding services seems a small step from hiring a member of the clergy to officiate at the ceremony. Who would dream of demanding a wedding service from a clergy person of another “faith” or “way”? The performance of a wedding sacrament, as well as its details, would not ordinarily be considered a suitable matter for the courts. Who would deny the individual religious agent &/or church the right to determine its own criteria? The county clerk is another matter entirely, of course, bound to set personal religious views aside in matters like licenses.

One church or religious agent approached may decline to provide the service requested, whereas another might be quite pleased. The state, meanwhile,  regulates not the religious or sacramental aspect, but the secular only, so may not discriminate on religious, aesthetic, or other personal grounds, including against those who prefer a non-religious ceremony.

This much seems clear & quite simple, yet the issue became a little more  complicated in the case of the Arizona legislation the governor there just vetoed, giving as her reason the broadness of wording & potential for unintended consequences, including the loss of considerable business. These were real & relevant issues. Never mind the sound-bite shorthand on which issues are often publicly sold; how a bill is actually worded makes a real difference, often the main difference.

Whether justified or not, such a bill raises the specter of the kind of discrimination cartoonists portray by establishments with signs like “We Serve No Blacks, Jews, or New Yorkers–on Religious Grounds.” It is no easy matter to define where personal & religious freedoms end, but nevertheless it may be both possible & necessary to do so. Professionals play a role in doing so. Where it would criminally unethical to deny medical services on discriminatory grounds, the same can’t be said for most professions, some of which assume more or less total artistic freedom in the choices made.

Surely there’s a significant difference between contracting professional wedding services (whether with clergy person or photographer) and a business serving members of the general public in a public location (using the community’s street & sidewalk, for example). Not that the latter can’t have some standards of dress & behavior, or have to serve all menus for all people. Stillone must respect that community as a whole, not discriminate against its parts.

Some freedom implicitly exists in the kind of products & services offered. Restriction of access may also  take many legitimate forms (age appropriateness, dress code, behavioral norms, cost levels, for example) without being considered discriminatory.

The word discrimination contains two quite distinct meanings, meanwhile. The most common these days is that relating to anti- groups (e.g., anti members of particular races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, lifestyles, or cultures). There is another, quite positive use, however, in the sense of “a fine discrimination,” where recognized distinctions are relevant & appropriate. Even a Buddha may hold up a hand the palm of which shows an open eye: see what is.

All meanings, according to one way of looking, represent differences. (A difference that doesn’t make a difference is meaningless.) Meaning is the difference made. Obviously, a discriminating palate may find more meaning in a meal, talk or work of art than a dull one. Meaning requires a context. Something perfectly appropriate in one context is grossly inappropriate in another–name your bodily function or behavior in relation to one or more others for as many examples as you need.

In the case of 99.99% of the proprietors doing business with the public, neither the gender of customers nor their relational preferences has anything to do with the products & services offered. Discrimination on such a basis  would therefore be inappropriate, & legitimately a subject of anti-discrimination law. That principle might even apply to pastries, wines, & other products used at a wedding reception. It would presumably NOT apply to those supplying services involving direct participation in a religious sacrament (including its civil equivalent), where such participation runs counter to that person’s religious beliefs.

One kind of respect deserves another.

Honesty & Its Limits

Recently I got one of the better viral emails, titled “Why old men don’t get hired.” It offered a short job interview dialog which I have tweaked slightly to make it more precise (& less scatological).

Personnel rep: What would you say was your greatest weakness?

Wise old dude: My honesty.

PR: I wouldn’t describe that as a weakness.

WOD: Well, that just shows how ignorant you are.

Point made, &/or proven. As a fan of honesty (at least in public), I wouldn’t have thought it so easy to reveal such a weakness. It just goes to show why easy generalizations so often end up trite. With a nudge, almost anything can masquerade as (or be turned into) its opposite, its mirror, its inverse, in language as in nature. Change the intonation & bad becomes good, the tall man gets called Shorty, the apostle of peace is portrayed carrying a flaming sword. With so many ways of modulating the communication waves, the range of variation reaches far beyond even what even experts can describe with new languages invented for specialists. Meaning slips between.

Meanwhile, back at the main ranch, I have my doubts about how honest people are in general, starting with themselves–make that, ourselves. We have so many ways of being false, knowing so little about what we are.